O50Q-2012-2 - page 13

Models :Hilda Barnett, Lucille Mc Knight, Cynthia Dixon, Savitri
Rampersad, Olive Andrews, Cheryl Seenarine & guests
significant window opened on August 29th 2005
when I was presented with a clipping of a newspaper
advertisement by the then Secretary of TTARP Central,
Mrs. Maimoon Ali. The clipping sought Non Governmental
Organizations for the opening of a Senior Activity Centre in
Chaguanas. We had previously discussed a need for such a
Centre in Chaguanas and so she was aware and quite alert.
The next morning I wrote an application to Dr. Rouse,
Director, Division of Ageing, sought her out in her office in
Port of Spain and personally handed it to her as the dead
line date was that very day. I subsequently discussed the
matter with TTARP Central and the Executive of TTARP
Head Office. TTARP (Central) was excited but entertained
doubts of it coming to fruition. TTARP (Head Office)
expressed fears of this new and seemingly challenging
adventure we were about to embark upon. In spite of this, I
maintained contact with Dr. Rouse and was encouraged by
Mr. Hydal, the then Chairman of TTARP, Central.
Mr. Persad, then PRO of the organization, offered
his premises as Head Quarters as he realized that
accommodation may be a problem in the Central area.
A meeting was then arranged with Dr. Rouse and a small
committee from the then Central Executive. This proved
to be highly successful as all conditionalities were met and
concerns were ironed out.
The Birthing Of The Chaguanas
Seniors Activity Centre
By Mrs. Rajwatti Bhaggan Wegner, TTARP Executive Member
The Centre was officially opened on the 29th November
2006. Classes began on 1st March 2007 with a small
membership and three (3) classes – Ballroom Dancing,
Yoga and Aerobics held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursdays respectively. Unfortunately, both Dr. Rouse and
myself missed the opening on 29th November as we were in
Bangkok attending the United Nations Regional Madrid Plan
Conference for Senior Citizens. Nevertheless she called to
convey our congratulations.
Since that momentous occasion, the Centre has grown
from strength to strength. It is opened from Mondays
to Fridays and now boasts of over three hundred (300)
members who participate on a daily basis in any one or all
of the activities comprising Ballroom Dancing, Aerobics,
Yoga, Choir Practice, Tai Chi or Information Technology.
Attempts to maintain a ‘Games Day’ have met with minimal
success. My vision is that all Seniors will be provided with
opportunities for involvement thus contributing to Healthy
You, our dear members, are the nucleus of the Centre.
Without you, we could not have come this far or achieved
this goal. On behalf of the Board I extend to all of you
heartiest congratulations. May God bless you always.
Ms. Lucille Mc Knight receiving a gift from Ms.Yvonne Knights.
Mr. Cuthbert Andrews receiving gift
from Mrs. Janet Rawlins.
Members who attended the function.
he Central Zone
hosted a grand
event at the
Central Activity Centre
which attracted one
hundred and thirty five
(135) members. It was
an exciting and well
organized event. See
some highlights attached.
Central Zone honors Mothers & Fathers
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