TTARP Issue #1 2016 - WEB - page 26

ver the past few years, with the development
and expansion of so many zonal groups
(eleven to be exact), it was generally felt that the
zones should be given the opportunity to grow the
participation at their events, hence it was decided
that 2015 would be the last year that TTARP’s
Head Office will host a Christmas Luncheon.
The event took place at the Hyatt Regency and our
members were dressed to impress in festive colors,
fancy hairdos with shoes and handbags to match.
The ballroom looked totally breathtaking and as
usually Hyatt lived up to its reputation in terms of
service, presentation of the meal, the taste, and
even the quantity. Entertainment was awesome, we
thank our longstanding DJ Himraj for all his years
of service and the organization events committee
team led by Denise Joseph.
Numerous prizes were handed out, as per usual,
since it’s always such a joy to win something. And
the sponsors of the hampers were quite generous.
This year, we invite members to support the Christ-
mas Luncheon within their zone, please check the
Event Calendar in this magazine for the details.
Luncheon Finale
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