TTARP Issue #3 2016 - FINAL - page 22-23

St. Lucia .... St. Lucia
Tribute to Viola
One of the most dedicated and senior
member of Western Pearls Mrs. Viola
Roberts-Melville celebrated her 90th
Birthday on Monday October 24th,
Even though Mrs. Roberts- Melville
was born in the village of Lambeau
Tobago, she has been living in Diego
Martin,Trinidad since 1968. Mrs.
Roberts- Melville attends all monthly
meetings and takes part in all the
activities of the Western Pearls.
We wish her Good Health, Strength
and Lots and Lots of Blessings.
Submitted by
Barbara Andall - Francis
Western Pearl’s Secretary
Yrette is a place out of the norm
Which my group visited one April morn
Hilly terrain we had to mount
To visit the sanctuary of birds too numerous to count
In your space I see art on a canvas
Too awesome to paint in the present or past
Backwards and forwards they hover so fast
These jewels in the air are creatures of class
Lectures and videos about the hummingbird by Dr Theo
Gave vital information we did not even know
Three hundred and sixty degrees in the air they can turn
Which the Amerindians cherished here at home
Hats off to wife Cleo for that tasty lunch
That drink,corn soup, salad and fry-bake
We did munch
It satisfied our stomach and quenched our thirst
Thanks for accommodating us though early and first
These tiny, iridescent and rare birds
Like the white-chested emerald, jacobin and blue
-chinned sapphire
Are some that we seniors did admire
As we listened to their music some notes lower, some
Both harmonic and melodic they sounded like a choir
Thanks for your helper who travelled
Quite from Valencia
To prepare luscious Yrette
For dignitaries and all else to look at
To the recuperating it’s fscinating
A breath of fresh air
Even the differently-abled are energised here
Where birds and bees jostle by the pair
To taste nectar hanging in dispensers out there
In your garden of winged jewels,flowers and ferns
May God continue to bless and keep you with knowledge
you earned
With wife Glory to assist in your wonderful home
We’ll be true ambassadors to you wherever we roam
Composed by Eulalie Colthrust
Members pose for a farewell picture
after enjoying the unforgettable tour,
which was quite enriching as many
members showed interest in growing
their own food crops.
Right: Chairman Derek Paty,
Karen Tang- Choon and
Mayling Younglao partying
on the Catamaran Carnival
Monday. in the background is
George Padia.
Fun loving members of the Western
Pearls visited the beatiful island
of St Lucia in July 2016 during
that Country’s annual Carnival
Celebrations. Members were all
prepared to participate in the street
parade as well as to enjoy the
wonderful tourist sights. Below are
some highlights of that memorable
PRO Stephen Osborne
waving the T&T flag at
theCranival Parade on
the streets of Castries.
A group shot of members on their way to visit the Soufriere Volcano in
St. Lucia.
Secretary Barbara Andall- Francis
(Right), PRO Stephen Osborne in
yellow T-Shirt, enjoying themselves
in the lobby of the Rex Resort.
Western Pearl members in their brilliant yellow matching
tshirts and caps portraying ‘Trini Sailors Come Ashore’.
Juanita Henry and Events Committee
Member Marlene Griffith partying on the
Catamaran in St. Lucia
Happy Mothers Day !!!
In this picture a group of members are seen enjoying
each other’s company.
TTARP Western Pearls NEW Meeting Place is NORTH DIEGO MARTIN
COMMUNITY CENTRE located on Church Street in Diego Martin.
Dates and Times remain the same.
We encourage members who live in the environ and beyond to
attend our monthly meetings held at the NORTH DIEGO MARTIN
It is fun and you learn a lot !
Mrs. Roberts- Melville
hummingbird sanctuary in Maracas St. Joseph. Here
some members are seen outdoors enjoying the breath-
taking surroundings with its lovely flora and fauna in the
In June 2016, members toured PCS NITROGEN LIMITED, at the Point Lisas
Industrial Estate in Couva where they learnt about the most advanced
farming technique and the manufacturing of fertilizers.
Mr K.Burgess, an employee at PCS Nitrogen provided the group with
information about green-house farming, irrigation, crop -rotation and
tips on how to create your own model nursery farm.
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