Speaker 1:
Aye Beulah, wah de scene? Like yuh now
come from foreign.
Speaker 2:
Yeah man. Ah went to de Big Apple fuh
Labour Day.
Speaker 1:
So how was it?
Speaker 2:
Same difference. Trinis everywhere. Yuh
tink yuh home. Buh guess who I meet
in the J’ouvert band. We eye meet
four. Mavis from High School.
Yuh remember Mavis?
Speaker 1:
How yuh mean. Who doh remember
Mavis. She had three chirren. One
had bhud foot, one had bobo foot and de
las boy, they call him broko foot.
Speaker 2:
Girl, yuh doh have cover for yuh mouth.
Speaker 1:
Ah hear Mavis gone New York wid dem
chirren and eating de bread de
devil knead.
Speaker 2:
Dat ent true. De chirren an dem doing real
good. Ah eh asking yuh. Ah telling yuh.
Speaker 1:
Yuh mean dem chirren who use to wear
flood pants and dry weather shoes?
Papa yo!
Speaker 2:
Yes and de little boy, like God rest de
dead, is ah big Accountant in some big
Speaker 1:
Jeeszan ages! After one time is two. Girl,
ah hear Mavis doing servant work and
taking night to make day.
Speaker 2:
Now who tell you dat?
Speaker 1:
Big mouth Louise nuh, who else? Yuh
know dey send she home packing
because she din fix she papers.
Speaker 1:
So yuh bounce up meh ole spark on de
Speaker 2:
Which one is dat?
Speaker 1:
Girl ah mean Barry, dat ole dog. He say
he gone up dey to make it, but dat an a
green donkey yuh’ll never see.
Speaker 2:
Watch it. Barry is meh pumpkin vine
cousin. Geh him a break and it never too
late fuh jackass to gallop.
Speaker 1:
Huh, yuh have high hopes. But is only
fowl see shit an tink is egg.
Speaker 2:
So why yuh flaring up like a kerosene
stove? Jus so, jus so?
Speaker 1:
All rite, buh yuh was telling me ‘bout
Speaker 2:
Yuh know when one door close five
window does open? Dat happen to Mavis.
She mudder take she in.
Speaker 1:
Dat mudder who she treat so bad?
Speaker 2:
Well, chile will eat mudder, buh mudder
cyar eat chile. Mavis mudder mind the
grandchirren and Mavis went to
school. Now she have education
and all she chirren doing well.
Speaker 1:
An yuh shop plenty?
Speaker 2:
Of course, yuh have to shop till yuh drop
when yuh in the Big Apple.
Speaker 1:
Buh ah hear things expensive.
Speaker 2:
Well yuh cyar eat de money. Anyway,
under all de ole talk and la heying, ah
have to dust it. Ah have to check
out de chirren.
Speaker 1:
So now yuh back, we cud buss a lime one
of dese days.
Speaker 2:
Yea, we cud go on de Avenue.
Speaker 1:
Me… Ah cyar lime in dem high places.
Cockroach eh have no place in fowl party.
Speaker 2:
Ah give in. You win. Nice seeing yuh. We
go pick up.
Composed by Beulah Walcott
TTARP Central
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