TTARP Issue #1 2016 - WEB - page 11

We understand your needs & we open doors!!!
big enough” to be felt. The DRE also still turns many
men off getting checked.
It is no secret that we are presently doing quite poorly
at getting the prostate cancer issue under control and
many men are being diagnosed to late with deadly
disease, leaving them with fewer options for control of
the disease.
We already know from published reports in Trinidad
and Tobago that the survival rate for men diagnosed
with prostate cancer in 2005 was worse than those
diagnosed in 2002 and 2003.
One recent conservative annual increase in cases has
been reported at 11 percent. As far as the present
approach to finding prostate cancer that needs
treatment in this country, it remains the Total PSA and
DRE. If this continues, we will not make any progress
in dealing with this problem. Feel free to contact me
and may God bless our nation.
This Information is intended to be used as general
information only and should not replace consultation
with healthcare professionals. Consult a qualified
healthcare professional before making medical
decisions or if you have questions about your
individual medical situation.
Dennis Webster
Tel: 868-683-6145
Email :
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