TTARP Issue #1 2016 - WEB - page 15

People with a family
history or who are of East
Indian or Afro-Caribbean
descent are at increased
risk, especially if they tend
to put weight on their
abdomen (Belly).
should see your doctor. If you get cramp in your
leg when walking or at night or if you have lots of
infections on your feet you should have them checked.
Your Doctor will also explain to you how to check
your own feet daily and give to advice on nail and
foot care. If necessary, referral to a podiatrist might be
HBA1c -
This test gives us an indirect idea of what
your blood sugars have been doing over the last 2/3
months. It measures the number of sugar molecules
attached to the red blood cells, which live for 2-3
months. People with Sickle cell anaemia may not be
able to use this for monitoring. It is also not suitable for
diagnosing pregnant women. Most people should aim
for an HBA1C of less than 7% but your Doctor will
discuss what is appropriate for you. -
Cholesterol/Lipids -
good Cholesterol control is very
important since persons with diabetes have the same
risk of having a heart attack as someone who has
already had one!
Weight -
A 10kg weight loss can reduce fasting glucose
by up to 50% and also reduces blood pressure and the
bad cholesterol.
Smoking -
if you smoke you should seek help to stop.
If you have diabetes AND you smoke this reduces life
expectancy by between 15-20 years.
Yearly plan -
You should have an agreed annual plan
for weight, cholesterol, Blood pressure and HBA1c.
The aim is to prevent complications. - A multi-
disciplinary approach aims to do this to help you live a
long and healthy life!
Ames Medical Services Ltd
13 Carlos St Woodbrook
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