Attractive Discounts
Over four hundred merchants offer special discounts and savings to TTARP members. Discounts are provided in Banking, Insurance and Medical Services, Pharmacies, Dental and Optical care, Travel, Supermarkets, Retail Stores, Automotive Products and Services and many more.
Subscription to TTARP’s O50 Quarterly Magazine
The O50Q magazine is mailed out to every financial member of TTARP at no cost three times per year. It contains articles on Health, Hobbies, Sports, TTARP Events, Finance, Entertainment, TTARP members, among other interesting and relevant topics.
Social Activities
Friendship gatherings, dinners, outdoor activities, tours, meetings, seminars, and other functions are arranged monthly to enable our members to remain active as well as to meet and to socialize with other TTARP members.
Reciprocal Membership
Voluntary Services/ Employment (Part or Full Time)
The Senior Citizens Bureau is administered by TTARP whose members can register into a database that is supplied from time to time to potential employers.
Click here to download application form (Print and return to TTARP)
Active Lobbying Body
Our Executive Team includes a National Issues Committee which makes representation to the Government on behalf of senior citizens on issues pertaining to health, security, financial (income, taxes), education, social and other matters.
For our Recommendations to the Government for Budget 2011/2012, please click here.
Golden Term Insurance to age 100 (death benefit)
MEGA Insurance offers an attractive, affordable life insurance plan specifically designed for TTARP members between the ages of 50 to 85 Years, to provide some peace of mind for your beneficiaries.
Hospitalization Assistance Plan
A unique hospitalization plan administered by M&M Insurance Services Ltd. is offered to TTARP members, at an additional cost.