O50Q-2013-1 - page 16

A new board was elected on October 5th 2012, they are :-
Norma Clarke – Chairperson
Lynette Maule – Vice Chairperson
Veronica Rodney –Secretary
Jennifer walker Maynard- Asst, Secretary
Gloria Jules- Osbourne – Treasurer
For any details on the Arima Zone activities, please contact
Norma Clarke at 687-4929/642-2225 or Lynette Maule at
709-0777/ 306-5050.
Since appointment, the new Executive have been hard at
work, and have formed six sub-committees to deal with
the Birthday Club, Chorale, Education and Entertainment ,
Hospitality, Service and Tours.
Happy Birthday
Yvonne Paul receiving her gift
fromGloria Jules-Osbourne.
Members enjoying themselves
Sylvia Shallowe presenting
Yvonne Cielto with her gift.
At the February
meeting, two
members were
specially invited
to attend the
social activities at
the Arima Tennis
Court, and were
brought by the
ELDAM bus,
which transports
elderly and
differently able
persons. They
had a fun time of
playing board and
card games with
other members.
L to R: Emily Potts-Willaims, Norma
Clarke and Joyce Joseph.
The new executive hosted its first major social event at
the Auzonville Mall and Conference Centre in Tunapuna
for Christmas. Eighty persons came out and support, and
special citations and tokens of appreciations were awarded
to the previous executive, as well as other specially
selected persons.
The Choir performing
The main table (L to R) Wilma Mc Lean, Sylvia Shallowe, Mayling
Younglao, Lynda Huggins, Aldwyn Brewster, Lynette Brewster, and
Allison Johnson –Parks standing.
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