O50Q-2013-1 - page 26

he Belmont Bees marked our country’s 50th
anniversary of Independence by a lavish ceremony
in September at which 26 persons and organisations
with Belmont roots were awarded for their outstanding
contributions to national life and to their community. To
encourage the link between young and old, the trophies
were presented to the awardees by the children and
the youth of the community. As a permanent record of
this event, a booklet “ Belmont’s Golden Heroes” was
Our M.P Mrs. Patricia McIntosh and the Director of the Division of
Ageing Dr. Jennifer Rouse enjoy the function.
A section of the large appreciative audience
Mavis John entertained with some of her signature numbers
Mrs. Irene Brizan, our exhuberant centenarian
Acclaimed artist, poet Leroi Clarke, receives his award while
musician Joey Lewis, another awardee, looks on
The booklet Belmont’s
Golden Heroes
The Buzz from Belmont Bees
Some of our other activities this year were a Walkathon around the Queen’s
Park Savannah, a Tea Evening for members, a luncheon for the residents of
Senior Citizen Homes in the area, a Christmas party for 100 children and our
annual sumptuous Christmas Dinner. We were also inspired by the useful
information given to us on the Life Alert by Blink Vigilance and on National
Insurance issues by Mr. Hubert Dolsingh.
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