O50Q-2013-1 - page 30

Sat 4th Monthly General Meeting - for info call - 750-9351
(Happy Haven)
Sun 5th
Mothers Day Evening Entertainment -
for info 222-7912 (Head Office)
Sat 11th Back In Times Dance @ Pan Am Building -
for info call - 750-9351 (Happy Haven)
Thur 16th Monthly Meeting @ Fyzabad Community Complex
@ 10:00 am. - for info 777-8054 (Fyzabad)
Sat 18th
Mothers Day Celebration –
for more info - 731-0236 (Princes Town)
Fri 24th Fun or Movie Night – for more info - 674-2852
(Santa Cruz)
Dates to be announced (TBA)
Trip to Vessigny / Las Cuevas Beach
– for more info – 672-1478 (Central)
Mothers Day/Fathers Day Function @ Arima Tennis
Club - for more info - 687-4929 (Arima)
Sat 1st
Cake Sale @ Westbees Supermarket, Diego Martin
@ 9 am. – 674-2326 (Diego Martin)
Sat 8th
Mothers & Fathers Day Celebration
– for more info call – 672-1478 (Central)
Sat 8th
Mothers/Fathers Day Function
- for info 751-0977 / 620-1596 (Belmont)
Sat 8th
Monthly General Meeting & NIS Lecture
- for info call - 750-9351 (Happy Haven)
Sun 9th Fathers Day Evening Entertainment
- for info 222-7912 (Head Office)
Sat 15th Father’s Day Function at Pigeon Point
- for info call - 750-9351 (Happy Haven)
Wed 19th Labour Day (to confirm venue)
– for more info call - 777-8054 (Fyzabad)
Thur 20th Monthly Meeting @ Fyzabad Community Complex
@ 10:00 am. – for more info call - 777-8054
Sat 22nd Fathers Day Celebration – for more info - 731-0236
(Princes Town)
Tue 25th Annual Meeting - for info (Meeting Every 4th
Tuesday of the month) - 751-0977 / 620-1596
Fri 28th Lecture on Managing Finances / Financial Planning
– for more info - 674-2852 (Santa Cruz)
Sat 29th
Mothers/Fathers Day Event - for info call - 777-8054
Sun 30th 1st Birthday Function @ Arima Tennis Club
- for more info - 687-4929 (Arima)
Dates to be announced (TBA)
Interactive Meeting/Lecture
– for more info – 672-1478 (Central)
Sat 13th Monthly General Meeting & Games and Dutch
Auction - for info call - 750-9351 (Happy Haven)
Thur 18th Trip to Tobago – Lowlands from 18-22 July, 2013
- for more info call – 674-2326 (Diego Martin)
Sat 20th Meeting @ Princes Town Presbyterian School
– for more info - 731-0236 (Princes Town)
Sat 27th BBQ Fundraiser – for more info call – 672-1478
Thur 18th Monthly Meeting @ Fyzabad Community Complex
@10:00 am. – for more info - 777-8054 (Fyzabad)
Fri 26th Monthly Meeting @ Bourg Mulatresse Parish Hall @
5:30 pm. - 674-2852 (Santa Cruz)
Dates to be announced (TBA)
All-Fours preliminaries
– for more info - 777-8054 (Fyzabad)
Trip to Tobago to Visit Argyle Waterfall/Heritage
Festival Celebration - for more info - 687-4929
Thur 1st
Emancipation outing to Port of Spain
– for more info call - 777-8054 (Fyzabad)
Sun 3rd Mothers/Fathers Day Tea Party & Emancipation
Wear - for more info call – 674-2326 (Diego Martin)
Mon 5th Centre Closed from Mon 5th until Friday 16th August
2013 – for more info – 672-1478 (Central)
Sat 10th Monthly General Meeting - for info call - 750-9351
(Happy Haven)
Thur 15th Monthly Meeting @ Fyzabad Community Complex
@ 10:00 am. – for more info - 777-8054 (Fyzabad)
Sat 17th
Cook Out – for more info - 731-0236 (Princes Town)
Fri 23rd An evening of fun and games
– for more info - 674-2852 (Santa Cruz)
Sun 25th BINGO - for more info - 222-7912 (Head Office)
Dates to be announced (TBA)
All-Fours Semis & Finals – for more info - 777-8054
All-Fours Tournament Finals – for more info
- 750-9351 (Happy Haven)
Interactive Meeting/Lecture – for more info
– 672-1478 (Central)
Trip to Tobago to Visit Argyle Waterfall/Heritage
Festival Celebration - for more info - 687-4929
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